Solo piano wedding at Johnson Carriage House in Mooresville, NC

April played keyboard solos for Andy & Ashleigh's wedding in Mooresville on Sunday! It was our first time at Johnson Carriage House. What a great place!!

Driving to the venue, I didn't quite realize what the 92-degree temperature felt like, in my very air-conditioned car. When I arrived, I carried 4 loads of supplies to one location, and 3 loads to another location. All of us vendors looked like we need to sit down, take a breath, and have a glass of water!

This wedding came together beautifully, and when one is this beautiful on such a hot day, you know it's because the bride & groom put together an amazing team of vendors. Everyone was dripping with sweat and kind of in a sun-dazed state, but everything happened flawlessly.

Sometimes clients ask why they should hire professionals, when maybe someone else could step in. This was such a great example of the beauty that can happen, even in incredibly hot weather, when we all do our jobs. I'm so glad to work with amazing people... Carolina DJ Professionals, Fat Cat Flowers, Erin Padgett Events .... just to name a few.


A Double Duet Wedding Day!


Violin/Cello Wedding Ceremony at the Mint Museum (Uptown Charlotte)