Violin Duets - The Ivy Place - Lancaster, SC

We love June weddings. It feels like the official start of wedding season, and we love when this time of year is finally here. It means lots of extra rehearsals, compiling music, and so much planning... but it's all fun for us.

The Ivy Place is such a sweet venue. The coordinator there, Lisa, is just incredible, and the owners are always there, working along with everyone else at events. It gives this venue a unique feel, and the difference is noticeable!

The bride & groom choose violin duets with a simple and elegant program:

He Leadeth Me
Simple Gifts
The Prayer
Morning Has Broken

Come Thou Fount

Bridal Party:
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring

Canon in D

Haste to the Wedding

Bride & groom sent us a detailed program ahead of time, which is always nice, so we know exactly when the officiant will say before it's our turn to play again

Thanks to the Ivy Place for their hospitality! Congrats to the beautiful couple :)

~Madi & April


Fairytale Wedding at The Laboratory Mill


Two weddings & an anniversary surprise!